
Common Mistakes Most People Make When Dieting
Diet · 15. December 2021
After being in practice for 26 years, I've pretty much have heard the many reasons why people are unhealthy, most of them being within their ability to change for the better. There must be a dozen reasons, but I've noticed there are three that seem to be most common. These three mistakes are usually the ones that sabotage many people’s ability to reach their health and wellness goals. Let's look at these as we are coming to the end of a challenging year.
How to Make White Rice Healthy
Diet · 26. October 2021
Rice has been a staple for more than half the population in this country as well as others around the world. If that is the case, then why is a large percentage of people in this country obese compared to others like Japan for instance. There are many varieties of rice, but we typically group them into two categories: white and brown rice. Of the two, white is more widely consumed and preferred by many people. It is also the least healthy, at least in this country. Let's take a look at the

5 Ways to Quit Eeating Artificial Sweeteners
Diet · 18. October 2021
Many of you come to me for that special way of staying healthy and losing weight. Many of you are disappointed to hear that there is no special diet or workout, I just eat whole foods. Yes, I go to the gym daily as many others do and have so for years. That doesn't mean you’re healthy and that you will lose weight. In fact, there are many people that have not changed or dropped an ounce even though they head to the gym every day. It's all in your diet. You can't out train a poor diet. So...
My Hidden Secret To Staying Lean
Diet · 31. August 2021
Actually, those of you that know me, know I can't keep a secret to save my life. But for the sake of mystery let's just say it's my secret to staying lean and mean. Not only that, this "special something" also has many health benefits which is an added PLUS. My secret, drum roll please... Apple Cider Vinegar!

My secret ingredient to dieting
Diet · 18. August 2021
Often I'm asked “What is the key to dieting?” Is it a certain pill, or possibly food? Is it dropping carbohydrates or adding fats?
Why are you always hungry?
Diet · 10. August 2021
The number one question my patients and clients ask me is " If I'm overweight and eating all the time, why am I always hungry”?

My 5 rules On How to Handle Added Sugar
Diet · 20. July 2021
You have heard me say time and time again, Sugar is bad for your health. Some of you took that statement to heart and totally stopped ingesting sugar all together. So, what happened? Your brain and hormones took over and, in the end, you were like a drug addict looking for a fix. Not only that, but you also ended up putting on the weight you lost, plus!
Dining out without the guilt
Diet · 16. June 2021
We can eat at restaurants again, woohoo! Hold on now! What about your goal to lose weight? Some of you still have not lost the "Covid Blamed Weight".

Chicken Lives Matter
Diet · 30. March 2021
Well, the least we can agree on one thing…that their eggs do….matter that is! What? You don't eat eggs because you are afraid of your cholesterol going up?
To Breakfast...or NOT to breakfast?
Diet · 09. March 2021
This is a question I am asked constantly, and my answer is always the same, YES. Breakfast is your first shot to refuel your body after a night's sleep...

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