
Why are you always hungry?

  The number one question my patients and clients ask me is " If I'm overweight and eating all the time, why am I always hungry”? If you’re snacking all the time the concept of being hungry almost seems impossible, but is it really?  Are you snacking on whole foods or are you eating processed foods?  Eating foods in its natural state has satiating nutrients such as fiber, protein, and healthy fats.  


  If you feel like you're a bottomless pit, you may not be eating enough fiber.  High fiber foods digest more slowly, causing you to feel fuller for longer periods of time. Another reason for always being hungry may be the low-calorie foods you are eating.  Low-calorie foods tend to make us full in the moment, however it usually isn't long term.  An example is when you eat a large salad with vegetables only.  You are full for the moment, then an hour later you’re looking to eat a half a cow.  If you are not adding any protein or fat in your salad, you will be hungry in an hour.  This is a sign that you are not eating enough food that fills you up, yet you are still getting heavier.


 Your body knows better.  If you constantly cut out specific foods that have vitamins and fiber, it will let you know by causing you to be hungry.  Low-carb foods with fiber may promote weight loss at the beginning, but in the end, you will gain it back, plus.  Good carbohydrates like sweet potatoes are rich in fiber and will satisfy you without gaining weight.  Rather than restricting foods from your diet, incorporate them in a healthy way.  

 As I mentioned, eating protein-rich foods will increase the feeling of fullness.  When you combine protein with carbohydrates, you will help control the spiking of your blood sugar levels.  Keeping your blood sugar level steady will keep your hunger in control. If snacking is your thing try eating bananas with peanut butter, Greek yogurt with berries or chia pudding with fruit.  When you are eating meals, there are plenty of foods that you can fill your plate with to help fill you up.


  Avocados filled with vitamins and minerals, are one of the best fat filled foods you can eat.  It is filled with 10 grams of fiber per serving, taste great, fills you up and helps you with your weight loss.  Nuts are also one of the most filling foods rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.  They also contain all three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fats.  They are very filling and won't cause weight gain if eaten in proper proportion.  Fatty fish like salmon and tuna are high in protein and contain omega -3. Other advantages to fatty fish are that it supports your brain health and boosts your mood.  Eggs are also quality protein that helps satisfy your hunger.  It has the most nutritional value per serving than any other protein-based food.  Another great breakfast food is oats.  It fills you up to avoid that mid-morning crash.  Add your own fruit and to avoid any preservatives that can cause digestive issues.  Other foods that can fill you and your plates are vegetables.  Very high in fiber, especially the dark green ones like kale and spinach. To boost up your fiber even more try adding chia seeds and fruit to your protein shakes.


  Many of us tend to be the hungry usually at night.  There are a few reasons this can occur.  The obvious is that you haven't eaten enough food, nutrients, fiber, protein, fats, and carbohydrates throughout the day.  Second, you may be dehydrated and need water.  Sometimes we confuse thirst for being hungry.  Third, habit forming.  When in God's name did we start eating dessert and more food after dinner?  A snack or dessert was once a week, not every night.  If you do get hungry at night be prepared to make healthy choices.  Examples are protein-based foods like hummus, hard boiled eggs, grilled chicken.  Fruit will keep you awake with its sugar and fast food will give you indigestion.


  Some final thoughts…  Sometimes when you are constantly feeling hungry you may not be getting enough sleep. There are two hormones that help regulate hunger, ghrelin, and leptin.  When we are sleep-deprived, our ghrelin levels spike and our leptin levels fall causing us to feel hungry. So before caving into your hunger, try looking at your sleeping pattern. If you lack sleep, that might need addressing.  Drink enough water so thirst is not confused with hunger.  Balance out your carbohydrates, protein, and fats at every meal.  Don't restrict yourself in any in any of these.  Feeding your body food is like pumping gasoline in your Mercedes.  You need quality gas to get the best miles for your buck, and a smooth ride!


  If you have any questions concerning this blog or any questions on your health, just contact my office.  My number here is 631-834-6953. 


Stay healthy, Stay Happy and LIVLIFE. 


Dr. Livia Valle, Mom/Chiropractor/Health and Wellness Coach.