
My secret ingredient to dieting

  Often I'm asked “What is the key to dieting?”  Is it a certain pill, or possibly food? Is it dropping carbohydrates or adding fats?  Well truth be told, it's none of these.  It's adding fiber to your diet.  That's it. Adding fiber to your diet will add quality years to your life by keeping you healthy.

   Fiber is one of the most underestimated ingredients in our society.  While most of us are searching for the newest and best health ingredient, fiber has been here all along waiting to be recognized as one of the best quality ingredients needed for excellent health.  Our society today does not get enough fiber in our daily diet, at least 95% of us don't.  We don't even get close to the recommended dosage of 20-30 grams a day.  I bet some of you don't even know the benefits of fiber, right?  Well hold on my friends, today you will find out what my little secret is to staying young and healthy from the inside out.

   Let's start with the best benefit, fiber helps maintain a healthy diet. The battle of the bulge is a challenge we have been facing lately, which is why we need to consume the recommended amount of fiber every day.  Foods high in fiber tend to fill us up more than foods with no or little fiber.  If your diet is keeping you searching for more food, you may want to add more food that has fiber.  A bonus is that high fiber foods tend to be low in calories as well.

  How many of you have high cholesterol?  Well it's a scientific fact that those of you that do probably do not have enough fiber in your diet.  Studies show that foods high in soluble fiber (like beans, oats and flaxseed) may lower the bad cholesterol and the total blood cholesterol levels. High fiber diets also tend to reduce inflammation and blood pressure.

  Ok here is where I'll lose some of you.  Fiber normalizes bowel movements.  Yep, I said it.  Truth be told, if you struggle to stay regular, it's time to eat more fiber. Dietary fiber softens your stool and increases its weight and size so it can pass easier.  Eating fiber can also help you out if you tend to get diarrhea because it absorbs excess water.  Uncomfortable topic over, let's move on.

  Those of you who are diabetic or pre-diabetic, eating fiber can slow your body's absorption of sugar and help control your blood sugar levels.  And those of you who don't have this disease, eating your fiber will prevent you from getting it in the first place.  Fiber can also help prevent certain cancers and heart disease.

  I guess the next logical question is how much fiber is recommended?  Well that all depends on your age and sex.  Men under 50 years should have 38 grams/day and or 50yrs about 30 grams/day.  For women under 50yrs about 25 grams/day and older than 50yrs about 21 grams/day.  The best way to see if you are getting your allowed amount is to read labels.  If your food doesn't have a label, I first commend you, second you can always google it.

  Lastly, what are the  best sources of fiber?  Well that is easy.  Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans and other legumes.  I know some of you are saying "what about bread"?  I said the best sources of fiber.  Yes some bread do have fiber, but because most of it is in packages you also have ingredients that are unrecognizable to the brain and body and which totally cancel out the fiber benefits.  We will talk about this in future blogs.  For now it's important to stick with whole foods as much as possible to get the best source of fiber. Now who is ready to start experiencing the best health benefits of fiber? If you start eating away to a healthier life!

  If you have any questions on this blog or any other health questions, please contact me at my office, 631-979-8508.  

Stay Healthy, Stay Happy and don't forget to LIVLIFE. 


Dr. Livia Valle, Mom/Chiropractor/Health and Wellness Coach

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