
Healthy Body ~ Healthy Mind

When we talk about staying healthy, we usually think of our bodies.  But without a healthy mind, your body will go to waste.  I've recently read about a new study that revealed a groundbreaking discovery that can actually help inhibit cognitive decline.  The studies talk about how certain foods can actually slow the onset of both Dementia and Alzheimer's!  It doesn't come in a potion or pill. It comes from eating foods rich in a certain plant compound, that we probably are eating anyway! Who knew?


   You probably haven't thought about your brain functions lately, and if you’re younger than 40 you probably never gave it a thought.  Your brain functions start to decline in your 20's and 30's, depending on your nutrition, exercise, recreational habits, and stress level.  There is something you can do now to protect your brain for those golden years, and it won't break the bank.  To reduce your cognitive decline which will lead to Alzheimer's and dementia, all you must do is start to eat foods with Flavonoids.


   What are Flavonoids?  It is a plant compound that protects the body from oxidative stress.  They are a rich source of antioxidants and are anti-inflammatory too.  As an antioxidant, they shield the body from free radical damage caused by everyday stressors, chemical exposure, and bad lifestyle choices.  It keeps the rouge cells in check.  So, between your natural antioxidant cells and eating a diet rich in antioxidant you are promoting a healthy immune system hence a healthy brain.  As an anti-inflammatory, flavonoids soothe and instill relaxation within your immune system and removes the stressors that harm it.


  What foods contain flavonoids?  In the fruit department we have berries, apples, grapes, and citrus.  Vegetables are red peppers, onions, celery, and lettuce.  Green, oolong, black and white tea are filled with flavonoids too.  And one of my favorite flavonoids is dark chocolate, there is a God, lol.  Definitely a doable food list.


  The benefits of flavonoids are amazing.  The study published in the American Academy of Neurology Journal states that eating 600 milligrams of flavonoids daily can lower your risk of cognitive decline by 20%.  To visualize this, a medium apple has about 113 milligrams of flavonoids.  If you pair this up with other plant-rich flavonoid rich sources, you are on your way to Einstein country. 


  What we should take away from this study is the longer we wait the harder it will be to reverse the decline.  These foods should be eaten in your early 20's, especially with all the "STRESS" everyone seems to be experiencing.  People these days like easy, here you go, I just gave you an easy way to keep your brain from turning into mush.  Of course, along with flavonoids there are other things you should do to keep your brain healthy.  These including exercising, eating protein, good fats, complex carbohydrates, eating whole foods and no processed foods, if you can't read it, your body can not process it.  Through a strong and positive mental attitude, I do believe we can turn this beautiful country around.  It all starts with a healthy brain.


  If you have any questions on this blog or on my coaching program, LIVLIFE REJUVENATION, just call my office at 631-979-8508 to schedule a complementary consultation. 


Stay Healthy, Stay Happy and LIVLIFE. 



Dr. Livia Valle, Mom/Chiropractor/Health and Wellness Coach