
Joint Discomfort??

  Many of us, young and old, experience joint pain and discomfort. This usually happens either when the body is in motion, after the body is in motion and even when the body is never in motion.  It is inevitable so why concentrate on the problem when you should be focusing on the solution.  Complaining of pain is like complaining about the weather, it doesn't get you anywhere. There are ways that can help reduce your joint discomfort without any side effects.


  Let's start by defining what a joint is. A joint is the part of the body where two or more bones meet allowing movement.  Every bone in the body is connected to another bone at a joint, except the hyoid bone in your throat, great jeopardy question lol. The joint is also known as an articulation and its shape depends on its function.  The estimated number of joints in the body is between 250-350, depending on age and inclusions of sesamoid bones that are embedded in the tendons.  An example of a sesamoid bone is the kneecap or patella.  These bones vary in number from person to person.  There are immovable joints like the sutures in the skull, slightly moveable joints like vertebrae in your spine and freely moveable ones like in your knees and shoulders.  That is a lot of joints that can potentially cause a lot of pain.


  There are many ways to help treat joint pain.  Most people go for the quick fix and take over the counter pain medications such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen sodium.  These can help relieve occasional pain triggered by activity your muscles and joints are not used to.  But there is a price to pay when using these.  Mainly severe stomach bleeding which affects the protective stomach lining with pro-long use.

  Being proactive is probably a better choice.  Keeping the muscles strong around your joints will put less stress on them when lifting and moving your body.  Exercising with weights will help prevent overuse of your joints.  Exercise slows down the actual aging process. Also stretching will help as well. Stretching helps with the muscle elasticity, the achievement of muscle tone and helps reduce stress on your joints.


  Keeping the freely moveable and the slightly moveable joints moving is also important.  Chiropractic care is a medicine that diagnosis and treats the primary cause of any mechanical disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, and nerve impingement by finding the cause of the problem.  In part it moves the bones in your spine as well as anywhere else there is a joint.

  A healthy diet can help reduce joint pain. Foods with omega 6's and omega 3's fatty acids help lubricate the joints.  Foods like oily fish, flaxseeds and walnuts can be used to reduce inflammation. Dark leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and broccoli can also help reduce inflammation in your body.


  Lastly, did you know that collagen is the second most abundant substance in the body, first being water?  Tendons, ligaments, connective tissues, and bones are all made up of collagen.  Their job is to provide elasticity, strength, and structure.  Collagen also makes up half of all the protein found in the cartilage., which is the rubber like tissue that cushions your joints.  It allows the cartilage absorb shock and bear stress with movement.  as we get older our bodies production of collagen lessens which leads to stiffness and pain in the joints.  It's important to make sure your collagen has all five types of protein like you find in my product, LIVLIFE COLLAGEN.  


   I became an athlete in my 30's-40's, when I already had some joint pain.  I knew that taking all the over-the-counter medicine was not the way to go, since I’m sure they would have greatly contributed to so many of my gut issues.  After years of study, I formulated a collagen that has all the types of protein to help the body, internally as well as externally.  I also added 3 extra ingredients including Hyaluronic acid that works to tighten the skin as well as lubricate the joints. This will help diffuse joint pain and help with mobility.  


  Remember my friends the body was made to heal itself.  Replacing what was lost in the body is always healthier then taking a foreign substance that has side effects.  A rich person is not one with an abundance of money, but an abundance of health, experiences, and love!


  If I can help you in any way please reach out, 631-979-8505.  Stay happy, healthy and LIVLIFE. 



Dr. Livia Valle, Mother/Chiropractor/Health and Wellness Coach

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Linda (Wednesday, 09 June 2021 06:13)

    Thank you, Dr. Livia,
    I've been taking your collagen for 2 weeks and already feel better. Thank you for your wisdom and encouragement!