This is a question I am asked constantly, and my answer is always the same, YES. Breakfast is your first shot to refuel your body after a night's sleep, balance your blood sugar levels and prevent mindless snacking. What and when we eat can play a major role in our metabolism as well as our overall health. When we start our day with breakfast, we begin to fuel our body with the energy it requires to function properly.
Now before we start debating about fasted cardio and intermittent fasting let me just say I am speaking of an “old school” way of eating. Fasted cardio and HIT do not work for everyone. Also, it needs to be done as a lifestyle to work and not just for a month, otherwise, you are back to square one. This is for those who believe in the science that if you eat well 80 percent of the time, (for me it's 90), fueling your body without starving it, exercise, and have an open and positive mental attitude you can actually lose weight and stay healthy. For those who disagree, it's ok. Keep reading and you may learn something.
An advantage of eating nutrient-based foods at the start of the day at regular intervals will support your metabolism to shed unwanted pounds and prevent diseases. Eating foods filled with polyphenols like fruits and vegetables will help lower fat mass and encourage weight loss. Eating every few hours can also help balance blood sugar.
Eating a meal within an hour or two of waking will help activate thermogenesis. This is a process of increasing metabolism and expending calories. As much as this all sounds great, eating the wrong foods upon waking can disrupt insulin function and set your day up for failure. What you start your day with will help you support your and metabolism, stay healthy, strong, and even help with weight loss.
High carb foods that lack fiber are NOT the way to go. They only increase cravings and aid weight gain. This includes cereals and plain bagels. Read labels people. Just because it says it has protein, it also will include sugars in every form possible to taste good. Sticking with whole grains instead of refined ones will increase your metabolic rate. The same goes for donuts, muffins, pancakes, and waffles. These items should be saved for your treat or cheat meals. Not for every day. And those of you who are picking up those protein bars, put them down. Most, not all, are filled with crap!. Read, Read, Read your labels.
So, Livia, what the hell should I eat? Funny you should ask! Think of starting your day with energy. And what food group gives you energy? Yes, good wholesome carbohydrates. And what does your body need to move? Muscles!! Yesssss. Now here is a tough one. What builds muscle???? Protein!! Alrighty now. Here are some examples. Egg muffins you can make beforehand for those of you who have to rush to work, in your Den LOL. You can have oats, not flavored oatmeal, with some berries and bananas. You know what? You can even have last night leftovers just as long it’s not pizza. These are some of the many great options to start your day healthy.
I tell my patients to treat their body like it’s a Mercedes. It is beautiful to look at and awesome to drive. But you need to put premium gas to go. Your body is that expensive car. You cannot move without putting in quality food, starting in the morning. Treat your body like it’s your prize possession. For me, my body is an SL600 Mercedes, red with high gloss, premium gas, and no bumper stickers.
If you have any questions concerning this blog, your diet or your life just give me a call. I love helping.
Stay Motivated, Be Disciplined, and LIVLIFE.
Dr.Livia Valle, Mom/Chiropractor/Health and Wellness Coach.