
The truth about weight loss you never knew

You started a weight loss program and thought that the only thing that was going to happen was that you would lose some weight.  Well think again.  Not only did you find out that there isn't a cookie cutter way to lose weight, but you also realize now that there are some unexpected feelings and experiences you may undergo.  Here are a few encounters you may be exposed to while on your journey.


  First off there is so much to learn.  If you are like me, you want to learn it all, yesterday!  Be patient.  What we learned about nutrition in school is very antiquated.  The food pyramid went out with blue eye shadow of the 70's.  Read and take your time to understand that what works for others may not work for you.  Learn to read labels and Google ingredients that you don't recognize.  There are many resources out there as well as informed, knowledgeable people.  Also use common sense. If it does not make sense, it probably doesn't.


  You’re eating healthy foods, so the sky is the limited. Wrong. Portion size matters even if it is healthy.  Wholesome foods can be high in calories.  A great example are nuts and avocados. A whole avocado is about 250 calories and 23 grams of fat.  Yes, those are good fats, but way too much for 1 sitting.  The same with nuts.  You need to adjust your portion size to meet your goals.  Eating less does not mean you will be skinny, you need to calculate how much food does it require to either gain, lose or maintain weight.  It's almost like a full time job with huge benefits.


  We always assume we are burning more calories than we really are just because we exercise.  To make things work in your favor you need to track your activities and food.  Your food intake shouldn't be greater than your calories burned unless you are trying to put on more muscle, and even then it's not a free for all. Just because you did that spin class for an hour does not mean you get to down that gym shake with all that fruit.  


  Plain and simple, fad diets do not work.  Of course, if you’re eating 2 snacks and a meal a day you will lose weight.  But what happens when you reach your goal, and you eat normally? You will put weight make on.  Prepackaged foods are filled with chemicals that in the long run mess with your hormones and increase weight gain.  Start your weight lose with the end in mind. Will I be eating this cardboard in 6 months?  If the answer is no, then eat as if it will be a lifestyle.  It will be a slow and steady weight loss and won't cause your body to rebound.


  Know that when you’re dieting for a while, your body will react strange to unhealthy foods.  I am a big example to that.   I eat healthy 85 percent of the time depending on what my goals are.  But when I go off, I go off.  It does take my body a day or two to recover.  It can be the extra sodium, fats, and carbohydrates that my body is not used to.  Not to say I will not do it again, I just know that my body will react to it, so stay close to home...It's a good thing lol.


  The scale is not your only guide to greatness.  Your weight loss is more than a number.  It's less aches a pain. It's being able to get up without moans and groins. It's being able to get up early and have energy in the morning.  It's not having to have a sugar filled caffeine drink in the afternoon to keep you going the rest of the day.  It's your clothes being loose on you.  It's being able to exercise and feel that incredible high.  It's being happy you are alive.  Keep the scale as a tool to let you know how great you are no matter what the number is.


Most of us believe that when you lose weight you will be more confident. Not always.  You will look different in the mirror.  You sometimes will see flaws never before seen. People may look at you differently.  Some may not like this new you because of their own hang ups.  Some may give you more attention and that may put pressure on you.  No matter what it is remember it's your journey, not theirs.  You are not doing this for others approval.  It's for your health.  Don't look for accolades.  Let the light shine from within you, not from the outside.  The less you rely on others opinions the happier you will be.


  Weigh loss is not a onetime shot.  Know that falling off the wagon while vacationing or around the holidays is not a bad thing.  Your body needs change.  Look back at your achievements and know you can do it again with no problem.  Do not let it deter you and cause you to feel like a loser.  It's a lifestyle, so that means forever. 


  Lastly, help others if asked.  Don't be a know it all.  Remember you don't know it all just because you lost weight.  Everyone is different.  You should inspire others to want to get healthy but that doesn't mean you need to tell them everything they are doing wrong.  You can share what has worked for you, but don't assume that it is the only way to do it.  We all know at least one person who has lost weight and now is the health guru on the block or gym, giving you advice even if you don't ask them.  Don't be that person, no matter how tempted you are.  Your goals are your goals, don't force them down others’ throats.  


  There will be many experiences you will go through during your weight loss journey.  Welcome them with open arms.  New and challenging times are steppingstones to growth.  Don't just survive life, thrive and bask in it.  If you have any questions or need help in any way, feel free to give me a call at my office.  My number is 631-979-8508.  Stay motivated, be disciplined and always LIVLIFE. 


Dr. Livia Valle 


Mom/Chiropractor/Health and Wellness Coach.