
Using Ash Wednesday to Reach Our Goals

   Well, this is the month where most Catholics decide to give up something on Ash Wednesday.  For those who do not know or forgot what that is, Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. It is a day of prayer and fasting plus penitence for 6 weeks before Easter.  It is a day that Catholics decide to sacrifice something they love for about 40 days.  Being from Brooklyn and going to Catholic school taught by nuns for 12 years, this was a big deal and a must do.  Unfortunately guilt and fear were the two motivators that held me to my goal…and it was horrible.


   As an adult I realize that many use this holiday as a way to set their weight goals.  The difference is they aren't driven by guilt and there isn't a nun with a yard stick anywhere.  It does not matter what your motivation is, it's how you go about reaching your goal.  You see, you just can't wish for it or just say it out loud. Some people misinterpret The Laws of Attraction and then say it doesn't work. There is more to that theory than just praying for it.


   When setting a goal, let’s say weight loss, you first need to think of it and be specific. Most people will say "I will give up bread for lent so that I will lose weight." Great! You won't eat bread for about 40 days and you lose 6 ounces.  It's exactly what you thought about. The better way is to say "I will give up bread during lent and lose 5 pounds by the end of Lent. I will then reduce my intake to 2x a week so that I don't put back that weight.” You thought about it, you are specific and added insurance by continuing your goal.


   The second part of goal setting is to write it down.  When specific thought-out goals are written down it becomes a constant reminder what you are striving for.  Read them daily, even hourly if it helps you stay on track. You won't be able to deviate or forget your goal in any way.

   The third part of goal setting is to say your goal out loud. Hearing your goals gives them life.  Tell a friend you trust so that they can keep you accountable. They should ask you how you will reach your goals. When will these goals be attained? What are the actions you will take to get where you need to be? These questions will help you reach your goals without question.  It is not a wish list when you have the roadmap to your destination.


   Lastly and the secret to manifesting your goals is ACTION. Surely you need your mindset right if you want to achieve great things However that will not change a thing without putting some effort behind it. To truly achieve your goals and ambitions, you need to take all the steps you need to achieve that goal.  Yes, visualization and positive thinking does help, but without putting in the work you won't get anywhere. The four steps to goal setting will help you achieve all you conceive.


   Along with these four steps you need a mindset of gratitude.  Working toward your goals is slow and steady like a marathon. You need to be thankful for every step you take. That is part of the process. However, if you do not take continuous action to achieve what you want, it will all be for nothing.  So, if it takes Ash Wednesday for you to start your weight loss goal, so be it.  Just make sure you implement the four parts of goal setting.  You will set yourself up for success! 

   If you need help on your goals or have any questions, feel free to contact me at my office, 631-979-8508.  Stay happy, healthy and don't forget to LIVLIFE.


Dr. Livia Valle Mom/Chiropractor/Health and Wellness Coach.