
Motivation vs Discipline

   When it comes goal setting like losing weight, exercising, better relationships or learning a new skill, we tend to look on the outside for motivation. We listen to podcasts or read books from great motivational speakers. We get all geared up to go, go, go! Hell, we all know that if we are not moving forward, we are moving backwards, right? But 3 days into it we fall short of our goals and tend to slack off. The question is why? Why can't we stay motivated long enough to make it a lifestyle?


  Well, my friends, it takes more than motivation to get us through. We need Discipline with a dose of Consistency. When you have discipline you make small sacrifices in the present for a better life in the future.  Discipline creates habits, habits make routines, and routines become who you are daily.


  Let me give you an example. I listen to motivational speakers daily, read books a view podcasts as well. All this motivates me to get up at 4:30 am, get my daily ritual going and hit the gym by 6:30. Then one morning it's raining, I'm sore and tired and by humanity says to tell Siri to “quit her nagging”. But I don't. I'm programmed to get up. I've made it a habit which became my routine. I always get up, drink a liter of water, read a book, stretch, break my fast and head to the gym before I start my day in my office. I'm disciplined to a point that I already know my day cannot progress if I don't stick to my goals.  


  Some of you may think it's crazy. Maybe even obsessive. What you should say is "show me how it's done”. One of the keys to becoming disciplined is consistency. You will not see results without mastering the art of consistency. You can begin with making good habits easy to do. An example is to get up 15 minutes earlier for a week and do 100 sit ups. Or maybe have a healthy breakfast of protein and good fats. Or even follow along with a 15-minute yoga tape on You Tube. You can pick any small change that will help you with your goals.  



  People usually quit their resolutions because they do too much and see no improvements in 3 days. If you stay disciplined in what you believe in and consistent with your actions you will see results. It's a lifestyle change. You need to implement milestones. You will see progress and will continue moving forward toward your goals. Stay strong minded. Surround yourself with positive people but don't depend on others to motivate you. That should come from within yourself. Decide today that you are in charge, that you have one life and that you will live it to the fullest. Start today to finally LIVLIFE.